Centre Managers Welcome

On behalf of our committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning athletes and their families to the 2022/2023 Kenmore Little Athletics 47th Season.

The Little Athletics motto is family, fun and fitness. At Kenmore Little Athletics we hope to promote a friendly environment where all athletes feel comfortable doing and achieving their best. Athletics is an individual competition in contrast to many other team sports offered and gives the children a different experience where their achievement is measured solely by their own efforts in a supportive peer environment. At Kenmore Little Athletics we encourage every athlete to strive for their personal best in each event area and we hope that parents foster this philosophy at home as well. It’s not all about “winning”!

Little Athletics also provides an excellent opportunity for parents to become closely involved in their child’s activities by volunteering in one of our many and varied roles including: age marshalling, time keeping and event facilitators.

Kenmore Little Athletics is run by a committee of volunteers (parents and grandparents) all of which have other jobs and/or families to look after. Their dedication and effort is what makes Kenmore Little Athletics work.  I have been a part of Kenmore Little Athletics for 2 years now and have been on the committee for 2 of those. Each one of our committee members gives up a lot of their precious time to help Kenmore Little Athletics be the best it can be; however, we can always use some extra help. Being part of the committee is the best way to be involved in the club and have a say in its direction.

This handbook is a guide to Kenmore Little Athletics. Everything you need to know about our club is here. Occasionally dates and or information may change therefore it’s important to read our fortnightly newsletters and check our website and Facebook pages regularly.

Finally, please feel free to approach either myself or another committee member (we are the ones in the red shirts!) if you have a question or concern throughout the season. I promise we won’t bite! We welcome input from parents and will strive the do the best by your children and our club.

I look forward to meeting you all throughout the season and hope you enjoy your time with our club.

Kind Regards

Luke Montgomery
(Centre Manager)