Regional Relay Day & State Relay Day

Regional Relay Day (U7 – U17’s only)

Date: Sunday 6th November 2022

Where: Ipswich LAC; Bill Paterson Oval, Lion Street, Ipswich   Map

Cost: Free to all KLA registered athletes 

Nominations Due: Saturday 15th October 2022 via paper nomination through the club.

The Regional Relays are open to all registered athletes from Under 7 – Under 17. The relay day includes both track and field events, with the track teams comprising of 4 athletes and field teams comprising of 2 athletes.

The Relay Program offers 2 track events per age group namely:

Teams from the U9 – U17 age groups that place 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be eligible to progress to the State Relays. As there are no heats or finals at the Regional Relay Day,  track teams are placed on best times from the timed finals. Field teams are formed and placed by combining the two best performances (distance or height) of athletes from the same Centre.

Each athlete may nominate in a maximum of 5 events and once they are allocated to a team, they MUST attend the Regional Relay Day unless prevented by injury or illness.

Please find the Regional Relay Day Nomination Form below and the draft program for the day.

Regional Relay Nomination Form

Draft Program – Relay Day 2021

State Relay Day (U9 – U17’s only)

Date: Saturday 3rd December 2022

Cost: Free to all KLA registered athletes 

Where: SAF, Nathan, Brisbane     Map

Teams that placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at The Regional Relay Day will compete at the State Relay Championships at the SAF, Nathan.  Teams must comprise of the same team members who participated and qualified from the Regional Relay Day.  The club will notify athletes who have qualified for this event.

PLEASE NOTE: If you think you are unable to attend the date above (State Relay Day) in advance please re-think your nomination for the Regional Relay Day, as it would not be fair to the other team members if the team had to forfeit the State Relay Day.

Click below for the DRAFT program:

State Relays Draft Program 2021