Kenmore Little Athletics (KLA) was established in September 1975 – 45 years ago! From modest beginnings the club grew to become, in the 1978/79 season, the largest centre in the State with over 500 athletes registered in that season.
Did you know …
1. There were four other Little Athletics Clubs that were derived from the KLA Centre. They were: Indooroopilly, Kenmore South, Centenary and Moggill – Bellbowrie. Only the Centenary Centre is still running.
2. Kenmore is the third oldest centre in the QLD Little Athletics Association, only being younger than Redcliffe (1973) and Mt Gravatt (1974).
3. KLA has a proud record of achievement with two current Australian records and 10 Queensland records.
Honorary Life Members: Sue Sewell, Andrea Harvey, Diana Knight, Tony Castley & Glen Kennedy
Sue Sewell was a long serving committee member and centre manager whose dedication regrouped the centre. Sue was also responsible for the vision, perseverance and fundraising which led to the erection of the new clubhouse in 2001.
Andrea Harvey was one of our founding parents and Secretary of QLAA.
Dianna Knight had a long involvement with the Kenmore Centre including seven years as Centre Manager.
Tony Castley also had a long involvement with the club and held various positions on the committee.
Glen Kennedy had a long involvement with the club from 2010 to 2020. Glen held various positions on the committee including club recorder, carnival co-ordinator, regional recorder and centre manager for 2 years.
Competition Venue : Kenmore State High School – Dumbarton Drive Entrance (via Moggill Rd)
Postal Address : P.O Box 293 Kenmore 4069
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